I get a lot of inspiration from reading the bible. There is nothing more important in our lives than living to glorify God. I really love the saying "Faith can Move Mountains". I have heard that saying since I was a little kid. I wanted to write a song this week about God's love for us and this quote is what inspired me.
Verse 1:
I know faith can move a mountain. I know he can walk across the sea. I know he is listening when I'm praying, and I know that he knows me.
And I know that I'm forgiven, and his boundless grace is free, he has blessed this life I'm living, and I know that he knows me.
Verse 2:
I know he is building mansions, upon those streets of gold, angels fly across the heavens, healing broken hearts and restless souls.
And I know that I'm forgiven, and his boundless grace is free, he has blessed this life I'm living, and I know that he knows me.
